Monday, March 25, 2019

Workbench drawers: handles taking shape.

After having roughly cut the handle shape, I had to use a chisel to refine the to the exact size. I also planed each side with my smoothing plane (I like to use a Millers Falls #9) to get a smooth finish.
I then used the same method as for the drawer protruding tenons, that is to say that I used my mini plane to make a chamfer on all edges that needed to be rounded.

Using my mini plane to chamfer the edges.

I used a piece of rolled sandpaper to soften the edges and get the final rounded shape. I think I ended with something looking fine.

One handle in its final soften shape.

Not looking bad.
One handle is done, one to go for the first drawer.
I will then need to carve a depression in the handle underside so to make room for fingers when grabbing it.


  1. Ah, your last sentence answered the question I had about the orientation of the piece on a drawer. Looking forward to seeing the result!

    1. Indeed it may be difficult to get a clear idea about how this will look, but you should see this very shortly!

      Your devoted Wood Butcher
